Friday, September 17, 2010

Undaunted by WTC, parents attend BTS night

Somewhere between 200 - 250 parents attended last night's Back-to-School night at Maple Point, with similar reports of good turnout at Sandburg and Poquessing. Despite frustration over the WTC action taken by the NFT, many parents felt it was important to show up at their child's school.

It should come as no surprise that the wave of public opinion continues to be critical of the path chosen by our teachers. A Thumbs Down editorial from this morning's Courier says:

To Neshaminy School District teachers, for … well, it's a long list. But let's limit it to teachers bailing out on back-to-school nights.

The disruptive action is part of the union's "work-to-contract" order, which means teachers aren't supposed to do much of anything outside the school day. This is the union's way of putting pressure on the school board to give teachers a contract taxpayers can't afford.

Shamefully, the greatest impact of what amounts to a work slowdown is on students.

There is also an article about last night's BTS events that contains parent comments such as:

Amanda Barner, parent of an eighth-grader, said it seems that the teachers "don't care enough to come out for the children."

"Everybody needs an income, but the biggest reason you become a teacher is because you should want to help and inspire children," Barner said. "This teaches them nothing except to do nothing more than they're ever asked to do."

If you didn't happen to tune into Fox 29 news last night, further down below is the report they filed about BTS night.

I was very pleased by the parent turnout last night. One woman who stopped by to say hello told me that she considered this a showing of parent solidarity. And there were plenty of other attendees from last night who shared similar feelings. Clearly the parents in our District are tired and fed up, but they are also unwavering in their support of the Board's position.

What was also apparent from comments overheard last night was that parents appreciated the efforts of the District's superintendent, administration and principals during this difficult time. So despite this group being maligned earlier in the week by the NFT Veep, Neshaminy officials continue to receive backing from the public.

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in last night's BTS events!


Unknown said...

That's a very reasonable request Owen and you are right that we parents should control our frustration better. But you should also know that our teachers have not acted as professionally as possible either. Their work to contract amounts to an attack on our children, and they got up and walked out on the parents during a public meeting and they refused to come to back to school night. Maybe your Mom isn't at the highest rung of the salary ladder but many of them are and yet they still refuse to pay for their insurances while so many of us are struggling. You want the parents to respect the teachers, and I want the teachers to respect the taxpayers. Let's say a prayer that we both get what we want.

Unknown said...

Well said Casey. Amen!

William O'Connor said...

The following comments submitted by imastudent have been edited due to length.

I am a student and my mom works for the District. My parents are also taxpayers. I am so tired of hearing everyone bash my mom and all of her friends who work so hard every day to help all of YOUR children! I hear the mean and angry comments ALL THE TIME. I can't even focus at my sports events anymore, because all I ever hear from the bleachers are angry parents saying negative things about teachers, bus drivers, and support staff.

I guess people don't realize that these teachers, guidance counselors, etc. have children and families of their own. Maybe they would like to or NEED to get home AFTER work, to be with their OWN families, and help their own kids. Maybe they would like to attend their own children's after school or evening activities instead of volunteering to stay after to do extra, or come back in the evening to be there for your kids. I have many friends whose parents are not teachers, and nobody is on TV calling them selfish and greedy because they come home when their work day ends. For the record, I am actually HAPPY that my mom is working to contract now. Now she can come home right after work, and help ME with MY homework at a reasonable hour.

My mom is making under $55,000 a year at Neshaminy, and works harder than any other parent I know. I am thankful that my mom has her job, because she over $80,000.00 in school loans to pay back. My parents are definitely struggling, but they don't complain. They have taught us the value of hard work and education. Finally, if you have a comment about the contract issues, then talk about the issues. PLEASE stop attacking my mom's character by saying that the teachers are selfish and greedy, because from my perspective, it feels like you are being selfish by demanding more of my mom's time away from me and our family. Also, if you think someone else has it so easy, or if you think you can do a better job, then stop complaining and go back to school and get the training to become a teacher, guidance counselor, bus driver, or support staff person yourself. Just please stop pointing fingers and making false accusations.