Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Schools take extra precaution against spread of H1N1

Also in this morning's Courier Times . . .

Students with a fever, glassy eyes, sore throat and runny nose should not be sent to school, officials said.

Higher than normal absentee rates at two Neshaminy elementary schools and the increasing threat of the contagious H1N1 virus have prompted officials to post "preventive" messages on the schools' respective Web pages.

There's no indication that the virus, more commonly known as the swine flu, is responsible for the increased absentee rate at Oliver Heckman and Herbert Hoover elementary schools, Neshaminy Superintendent Louis Muenker said Tuesday.



Levittowner said...

Walter Miller should have put something up also..I too (like the commenter on the online edition) heard through the grapevine about the fever and cough keeping alot of kids home.
Very frustrating..there are some healthy children dying from complications of H1N1 and we are told to vaccinate our children. vaccine!

Ivy League said...

Surely this epidemic the teachers' fault... I mean... it's H1N1... another way of saying the Swine Flu.

Swine is synonymous with pig... which is synonymous of our teachers; maybe we should rename the flu Greedy H1N1.

That darn Louise Boyd got ahold of Bucks County's allotment and had it sewn into their shirts.

Oh yeah... and I heard the papers they handed out at back to school were triple infected with the H1N1 virus...THEY BROUGHT IT INTO OUR HOUSES!

Sorry... I couldn't resist! I just find it fascinating that nobody gives a "blog" unless it has something to do with those greedy teachers. At least we can count on our board to "hold the line!"

Unknown said...

You are articulate IL but you might want to ask Nostradamus for help with your diatribes. Not your best material.