“Earlier today, the Neshaminy Federation of Teachers (NFT) declared a strike beginning on Monday, January 9th.
By instituting a job action aimed at our children and their parents, the NFT’s actions are inflicting financial harm and inconvenience to families in our district. As school board president, I am also concerned that our teachers are causing irreparable harm to their reputation within the Neshaminy community.
Most of the issues in our contract dispute with the NFT concern money, but a strike won’t put a single dime into our coffers. The key to settling this impasse is not to deny our children their education. The answer lies in understanding the economic times in which we live, and having the willingness to negotiate an affordable contract.
The Neshaminy School Board will continue to negotiate in good faith with the NFT, however we will not tolerate any behavior which exploits our students. For now I have notified our attorney, Mr. Sweet, to immediately suspend any further negotiations with the NFT.
I urge all members of the Neshaminy community to stand with us during this difficult time. I ask that you call NFT headquarters to demand they end this strike immediately, and return to the bargaining table willing to negotiate an affordable contract.
The NFT’s phone number is 215-547-2001.”
Great. One parent of our kids will need to remain home and not go to work, thus not getting paid. Times are very hard as they are for many people. I have to pay for my family's health ins. No one puts money into my 401k, and I will need to continue to PAY MY OWN HEALTh INS WHEN I RETIRE. Thanks NFT, times are hard enough already now they will be even harder.
The NFT needs to get real. When so many of us are stuggling as it is you just want to take more. I support theschool board's decision.
My 3rd grade child is so upset by this. We have to pay additional money now to pay for daycare which is going to be so hard on us. How are they so blind to the poor economy? How can they do this to families financially and to the education of the kids that they claim to care so much about? Karma always returns.
After being one of the highest paid teachers in the region, Neshaminy teachers just seem so greedy. The NFT is only looking after themselves. If they truly cared about the well-being of the students, they wouldn't "suspend any further negotiations." Selfish...just selfish.
To all of you against the teachers. You cannot blame the teachers for this. I am sorry that some of you have to sit with your kids, I am sorry that you are all put out but I dont see anything here that is negative about the board. This issue has been ongoing for a long time. It is just as much the boards.You need to learn not to hate someone who has gone these years without a contract for all our children. When is the last time the teachers got a raise? A contract? Stop hating these people, they have been as patient as they can and as understanding of our childrens needs as long as possible. Be respectful. This will come to an agreement eventually. Want it to end? Push both sides to concede and agree. Just dont blame the teachers for it all.
Dear Proud,
Concessions and meeting in the middle sound nice, but do you understand the financial impact? Even the middle ground would cost more than Act 1 would allow in tax increases, and I don't think it's a sound idea to take money set aside for building repairs. So that leaves us with one alternative remaining - cut student programs.
Can you please share with us the educational programs the board should cut to make up the millions of dollars needed to meet the NFT half way? And please be specific.
Thank you.
TWO DAYS!!! TWO DAYS, my son has been in the district after a battle for his education due to his disability. Not only does Neshaminy not want to help my child and push him through school with a 5th grade education but they enroll him once again knowing of a strike!!! This shows greedy teachers have no concern for our children or community. A teacher jets down the stairs frantic demanding to speak to the guidance counselor because she is overwhelmed... How about being professional. For Gods sake, you get paid well and two, you are in a co taught class lady!! I can not imagine being so unprofessional/overwhelmed at work, nor would I behave like so in front of a new student. I doubt we could keep our job if we left all the clients stranded showing no concern for anything but ourself. I can not add any more words because frankly, there are no words to describe such disgusting behavior. You all should be ashamed of yourself. With this economy, your lucky you have a job. What a shame this is our only choice right now. I will be on the phone trying to put the punishment on the greedy teachers rather than our family going without our summer vacation/family time because greedy teachers.. By the way, not only are not receiving what our country promises, an education but also their being punished going to school longer. I would be so embarrassed if I were them or their family. So greedy. Give a sub your job if you cant handle it for your high salary. I would love to have a small % of your benefits/salary.
My son who is part of IU classes does not have school either due to the strike. My older son is enrolled in a Neshaminy school as well. I am very angry that the momentum of learning has been stopped and my children will suffer. I am a teacher myself (not in Neshaminy) and am totally disgusted by the strike as it interrupts the learning process, which is very important to me, my children and my students at my school. A work stoppage is not the answer.
I blame the NFT leadership for their poor negotiation techniques, unprofessional work actions, use of district parent data for use other than it was intended for and picketing school board members houses. How classless (pardon the pun) and unprofessional.
Here is an idea that may cost money to file, but it will create a firestorm of a problem for the NFT. Parents incurring monetary damages either due to staying home from work or paying for daycare for their children should file a small claims lawsuit or perhaps a class action lawsuit. File it against the NFT leadership (I'm not a lawyer so perhaps someone else could chime in) as they are the ones who are directly responsible for calling the strike. Act. 88 gives the NFT the right to authorize and call a strike, which may cause collateral damage to all concerned. Therefore, I see that the NFT is liable for the monetary damages incurred by the parents of the district. Think of the liability implications if a child is injured or killed during the strike when the child should have been in school.
In conclusion, shame on you NFT!
My son who is part of IU classes does not have school either due to the strike. My older son is enrolled in a Neshaminy school as well. I am very angry that the momentum of learning has been stopped and my children will suffer. I am a teacher myself (not in Neshaminy) and am totally disgusted by the strike as it interrupts the learning process, which is very important to me, my children and my students at my school. A work stoppage is not the answer.
I blame the NFT leadership for their poor negotiation techniques, unprofessional work actions, use of district parent data for use other than it was intended for and picketing school board members houses. How classless (pardon the pun) and unprofessional.
Here is an idea that may cost money to file, but it will create a firestorm of a problem for the NFT. Parents incurring monetary damages either due to staying home from work or paying for daycare for their children should file a small claims lawsuit or perhaps a class action lawsuit. File it against the NFT leadership (I'm not a lawyer so perhaps someone else could chime in) as they are the ones who are directly responsible for calling the strike. Act. 88 gives the NFT the right to authorize and call a strike, which may cause collateral damage to all concerned. Therefore, I see that the NFT is liable for the monetary damages incurred by the parents of the district. Think of the liability implications if a child is injured or killed during the strike when the child should have been in school.
In conclusion, shame on you NFT!
Seriously? You are putting this on the teachers? They have been working for 4 YEARS without a contract (or a raise). I think the School Board should stop trying to act like this is the fault of the teachers.
@Liz SERIOUSLY??? The NFT very well IS working with a contract. They are working under their VERY lucrative 2002 CBA that gave them EVERYTHING. It's called STATUS QUO. Do you think the public is STUPID enough to believe that the NFT has been working for FREE out of the goodness of their hearts for the past 4 years?? No, they are still, without SALARY INCREASES for those past 4 years the highest compensated instructors in PA.
Blame the teachers?? Oh, yes. Blame them, the NFT in general, and the NFT leadership in specific.
All of these teachers need to realize how their affecting the kids. I'm a 14 year old who goes to Neshaminy. My life goal is to be a doctor and with the teachers acting so childish as they are at this very moment, I will NOT be able to do that. The things they are asking for are UNHEARD OF in this economy. They already have their health care paid for. Guess how much my parents have to pay for theirs. Every. Single. Penny. Do these teachers realize why their at this school in the first place? FOR THE CHILDREN. All they seem to care about is getting raises & all that junk. I don't care if any of you say, "Oh, don't blame the teachers!" Yes! I will blame them!! I have midterms coming up & tests all over the place, and I'm not learning anything to prepare for these tests. My mother is a bus driver, and because of all of this teacher non-sense, she is out of a job until the strike is over. These teachers are ruining my education and my future.
I say fire the greedy ones keep the good ones.The don't want to pay toward health insurance like everyone else in the world .Damn there are schools closeing so there will be pleanty of teachers looking for work that don't have it as sweet as neshaminy teachers do .Also plenty of new ones coming out of college looking for work.
There are greedy teachers and there are not so let the greedy ones go there are schools closing and new teachers up coming from college that would love to have a job and pay towaed there health insurance .I have been for 26 yrs its the way of life .Things are bad out there open your eyes and look around you will see how bad it is .Just think what the teacher in the city make and have to put up with .
It seems time for everyone to stop pointing fingers and just get it done. The teachers have no health insurance as of yesterday (www.thinkerbell.org) and the students are without education. Is this how we want the children to be raised...caught in a battle of wills between to groups that are supposed to take care of them?
Liz...seriously...you HAVE been working with a contract. A darn good one at that! And now the time has come to get with the real world and pay your fair share towards your healthcare.
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