Monday, May 11, 2009

Change for Tonight's Ed Dev Meeting

Tonight's Education Development Committee meeting (6:30pm, High School) will now be held in the Black Box Theater instead of Room A36.

At tonight's meeting, we will be hearing a presentation from the Administration about the proposed changes to the high school course offerings next year. We believe this will be very informative for the Board and the public to hear a department-by-department review - staffing, courses, sections - and how they compare to this year.


Unapologetically Yours said...

This should be an interesting meeting!!

Has anyone mentioned if the Board plans to cut, add, or keep the same amount of school counselors? How does the high school plan to accomodate 700 more students next year?

Unknown said...

Can we just get the district to cancel 2010 instead? Let's jump ahead to 2011 and see how our wonderful planning worked out.